8 December 2023 – 7 January 2024

Coral red

Christmas in the House Museum

The first appointment of the Red Trilogy (December 2023 – May 2024) is Coral Red, dedicated to the mid-eighteenth-century Trapani-made Nativity Scene, an extraordinary masterpiece from the permanent collection of the House Museum, now presented to the general public in a new display after a cleaning operation which has brought out its original features. chromatic and compositional details.

The masterpiece, created in the prestigious Tipa workshop, a family of sculptors from Trapani, among the greatest exponents for the creation of extraordinary coral sculptures, is a superlative example of the masterful union between different materials: coral (branches of black and red coral ), ivory, mother-of-pearl, red and yellow marble, semi-precious stones, silver, brass and gilded copper, amber and lacquer.

Come and discover it and admire it throughout the Christmas period!

For more information and reservations: info@fondazionezani.com – 0302520479