Potpourri Container with Two Foo Dogs

Artist:Chinese manufacture, first half of 18th century (porcelain); French manufacture, first half of 18th century (bronze)

Date:China - France - 1662-1722 (porcelain), 1745-1749 (bronze base/mount)

Geographic area :China - France

Technique:porcelain and gilded bronze


Potpourri vase in the shape of a sheaf of bamboo, flanked by two Kangxi period (1662 – 1722) turquoise and purple porcelain Foo dogs. The object documents mid 18th century Europe’s widespread passion for chinoiserie, a term that generically described everything that came from the Orient. In those years it was particularly fashionable to turn precious Chinese porcelain pieces into luxury items with the addition of gilded bronze supports, proof of which is this vase’s rich setting decorated with rocaille elements typical of Louis XV’s time (1745-1749).