On saturday… at the museum!

26 August, 2 and 9 September 2023

A new educational proposal, in collaboration with the Municipality of Cellatica, created to meet the families of the area, but above all to offer a morning different from the usual to children, in the name of beauty. In a fantastic place, where specialized educators lead the young participants to discover the works of art of the House Museum and its Garden.

Do not get bored!

August 26, 2023

10.00, A dive in the museum: a journey to discover the works of art of marine subject, riding the waves, aboard gondolas and tartans;
10.30 am, My aquarium: a transparent box to fill and decorate forms the basis for taking home a piece of museum, populated with sea views.


September 2, 2023

10.00, Look at that table!: a precious opportunity to immerse yourself in the garden of the octagonal table, a masterpiece of Florentine craftsmanship;
10.30 am, A petal mandala: the careful observation of the marble table offers the opportunity to test himself in the creation of a composition of petals and colored stones.


September 9, 2023
10.00 am, Dogs, carps and other lucky animals: how many animals live in the museum? What species are they? A curious itinerary to discover the real and artifact fauna of the museum;
10.30 am, Koinobori DIY: the charm of the Orient reinterpreted through the construction of a small artifact inspired by the colored carps of the nymphaeum.

At about 11.30 am, at the end of the activity, children and teenagers can enjoy the snack offered by the museum.

For whom:
Children / children from 6 to 10 years.
The proposal is activated upon reaching n. 5 participants and up to a maximum of n. 10.


How long:
The proposal lasts 2 hours, from 10 am to 12 pm.


How much does it cost:
The cost for registration to the single appointment is € 5.00 (free for residents in Cellatica). The Municipality of Cellatica bears the full cost of the participants living there who have priority in registration.
It is possible to register for n. 3 consecutive appointments at a cost of € 12.00.


Info and reservations:
For information and reservations, contact the museum at tel. 030/2520479, during the opening hours (Tue-Fri 9-13; Sat and Sun 10-17; Monday closed).
Or write to: info@fondazionezani.com